Container Management Platform(CMP) and PyPE Transition Project - Update May 2023

Posted on: May 1, 2023


The Next Generation Platform (NGP) project was commissioned by the Business and Administrative IT Leadership Council (BAITLC) in September, 2021 to deliver a modern development platform to replace the existing PyPE platform.   The project launched in October, 2021 culminating on October 31, 2022 with the launch of the UT Container Management Platform (UT CMP) service.  Batch-Stonebranch capability on UT CMP  was delivered for developer use on March 1, 2023.  Batch Task-Manager will be available in May 2023.

The UT CMP service initially is being utilized for customers migrating PyPE applications. After the initial onboarding for PyPE customers, additional departments will be invited to use the UT CMP service to deploy Python-based applications. In the future, additional languages will be supported, including PHP- and Java-based applications, and a cloud-based service will be created to augment the on-premise service.

In preparation for the launch of UT CMP and retiring PyPE in March 2024, the PyPE-DEM Transitions Team is reaching out to departments and developers to identify projects that:

  1. can be deleted because the project is inactive or no longer needed
  2. will be migrated to another system, including to UT CMP
  3. are already moved to another system, e.g., DEM, but need to have routing maintained and updated before PyPE is retired
  4. need to be retired with PyPE (will not migrate but must remain in PyPE until its retirement)

For more information about the Container Management Platform(CMP) and PyPE Transition Project , please visit