Endpoint Management (EPM) Centralization and Standardization Program - Update February 2023

Posted on: February 24, 2023


In an effort to improve the consistency, efficiency, and security of endpoint management on the UT campus, the IT Leadership Council Endpoint Management (EPM) Standing Committee, in partnership with the Information Security Office, is leading a campus-wide initiative to develop and implement endpoint management practices and centrally managed endpoint management tools for university desktops, laptops, and tablets. 

  • The Provosts Office sent a memo announcing the EPM program to all Deans and Vice Presidents of the university, requiring all staff devices to enroll in EPM by December of 2022. 

  • EPM has published a change management process for ITSOs to follow. 

  • Establishing quarterly Office Hours schedule 

For more information about the Endpoint Management (EPM) Centralization and Standardization Program, please visit https://live-itatut.pantheonsite.io/projects/epm/overview.