UTmail Storage Reduction - Update December 2022

Posted on: December 19, 2022


After applying the storage quota limits to all 290,000 accounts in November, we are happy to report that our Google Workspace storage usage is now below the 545TB storage limit Google will be imposing on December 31st.

Over the past year, with the help of our user community and excellent partners, we have accomplished a huge undertaking. We were tasked with lowering our storage from 6.2PB to 545TB, a 90% reduction. With a diverse set of users both internal and external to the university, we knew this would be a project that would require heavy communications and marketing.

Without the help of our partners, including but not limited to the ITS Service Desk, Texas Exes, the Development Office, Information Technology Leadership Council, Academic Technology Council, Retired Faculty and Staff Association, and members of the university community in general, we would not have succeeded. Now that Google Workspace has been given an instructional focus by the academic community, we are now beginning to plan out future changes that support this focus.

A huge thank you to the project team that included Jenn Coast, Steve Walker, Katelyn Christiansen, Chase Morlege, and Gary Ward for their ongoing contributions and effort. Now, we move forward implementing a new era of UT Google Workspace, so that its primary focus is supporting the academic mission of the university.


If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk at 512-475-9400 or submit a help request online.

For more information about the UTmail Storage Reduction, please visit https://it.utexas.edu/projects/utmail_storage_reduction/overview.