
Information Technology units achieve projects to provide an unparalleled IT environment and to support world-class research and teaching at The University of Texas at Austin.

ITS Active Projects

The ITS Active Projects listing is a communications tool that provides visibility to IT-driven, non-routine campus-impacting changes. Campus colleagues are welcome to engage with service owners about the project if there is a need for more information or to provide input. While some items are actively in progress, others are tentative pending approval and resourcing. The IT Active and Proposed Projects listing does not include unplanned emergencies and should not be considered comprehensive. The list will be updated on a quarterly basis based on changing university needs.

IT Highlighted Projects

Details for some projects are listed below.

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    In support of capital construction projects, ITS designs, reviews, inspects, and installs communication infrastructure and systems. For fiscal year 2025-2030, there are 10 capital construction projects worth over $1.5 billion (inclusive of projects such as the Energy Discovery Building, Library Storage Facility Phase IV, Undergraduate School of Business Building, and Bellmont Hall renovations) on the UT System Capital Improvement Program (total project costs >$10M) for the UT Austin campus. At any given time, there are approximately forty additional active smaller projects (Planning Design & Construction, ITS, or direct customer engagements). The value provided to the university is connectivity to educate, research, and conduct university business in those new spaces (e.g., wireless/wired Internet access).

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    The Business and Administrative IT Leadership Council (BAITLC) recently commissioned a project to develop a Next Generation Platform (NGP) to serve the development community and replace the existing PyPE platform.

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    The Guest Authentication Project will provide an alternate method of authentication for external users who need to access online university resources. The recommended solution is to make external identities consumable by campus applications using a centrally provided gateway. The project team has been working to deploy selected features offered by the selected vendor, Cirrus Identity, to rollout with early adopters. If you are interested in becoming an early adopter of the Guest Authentication Service, please reach out to the Identity and Access Management team. 

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    Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) Modernization is a phased approach to modernize the university's Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems, business processes, data management, and technical architecture. IGA Modernization includes implementing new tools, the transition/retirement of legacy tools, and the bridging and integration work required to maintain IAM services. The first phase will be dedicated to providing support for group and role management. The second phase is dedicated to transitioning the daily Workday file to be picked up and processed by midPoint and to retiring the SailPoint system.

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    The Next Generation Network Project will address data network issues identified by both internal and external reviews providing:

    1. Improved service for students, faculty, and staff by providing consistently good wireless and wired networks
    2. Increased security with a focus on protecting faculty research and university intellectual property by responding rapidly to threats
    3. Greater operational efficiency enabling College, School, and Unit IT staff to focus on local missions, while consolidating compliance, accountability, and supportive funding to central ITS